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Last Bitch Standing Page 2

  "Does it really matter? Isn't the point finally being able to get rid of me?"

  "Maya, you know I care about what happens to you.

  "I understand that, but you clearly have a lot of unresolved issues to work out, and I think the only way you'll be able to do that is if I give you your space." I was rambling on, saying some shit I figured would be in a self-help book, knowing I didn't mean not one fucking word. There was no way I was exiting that palatial crib I was luxuriating in, no matter if I felt like a prisoner or not. This was all game, and at the moment I had no clue whether it was working in my favor or not. But fuck, desperate times call for desperate measures. You have to keep tossing shit out there until something sticks. And with the curve balls I was throwing, trust me, no matter how skilled Supreme was, he wouldn't be able to dodge them all.

  During our flight to Philly, I basically slept the entire time. Getting rest had become an afterthought for me these last few months, and my body was now using any opportunity it could get to reenergize. And the sleep did do me some good, because instead going to the hotel, I was ready to handle business.

  "How much longer until we get to the spot?" I asked Nico as he drove down what seemed to be back roads.

  After our flight landed, he swooped up the rental car and we were off and running. Actually, we did have one interruption. Nico stopped and chatted with the chick, CoCo for a few, promising he would make time to see her, if only briefly before he left town. I could hear her swearing it was about business, like she needed to clarify that for my benefit.

  "For the first stop, in a few more minutes."

  "First stop?" I asked confused, since I only knew about one."

  "Yeah, I gotta go get us some artillery. We can't be running up in places wit' no sort of backup. Baby girl, you of all people know how niggas be gettin' down in the streets. We can't take no chances."

  "You know, I feel you on that. It's just that you didn't mention nothing, so I figured you didn't think we needed it. Are you skeptical about the dude we're supposed to meet with? I hope this tip is legitimate."

  "Anytime a motherfucker is giving up info, I'm skeptical, so that's why we need to be prepared for anything. The shit is supposed to be legit, but it's hard to call it at this point. Supposedly this cat got information on Devon's whereabouts. And since he was the nigga working with Maya, I'm sure he's been in touch with her."

  "No doubt, and I can't wait to take Devon's sheisty ass out. I gotta special bullet for him."

  "Hold up! We need Devon to lead us to Maya, then we can talk about that bullet you got with his name on it."

  "No worries, I'ma make sure we got no more use for him before I lullaby that ass."

  "Stay right here, I'll be back in two seconds," Nico said, pulling up to some store. "I'ma run in real quick and get our shit. These my people around here, so you'll be straight. But if anything seems suspicious, blow the horn. There's always that one knucklehead that might try you,"

  Nico grinned.

  "I'm good."

  As Nico ran up in the small corner store, I began thinking about the great pleasure I would take in shutting Devon the fuck down. When I first laid eyes on him, I knew he wasn't shit, but I slipped up and didn't follow my initial gut instincts. And what a costly mistake that was. The whole time he had partnered up with Maya to take me down. Every time I reflected back on what went down, I got more pissed with myself for not paying attention to key signs.

  The biggest one was when Devon killed Vernika during my fight with her. He claimed he was trying to protect me, but in reality, he was protecting himself. She could have blown his cover, and he wasn't taking any chances. I remember how angry I was when she died, because it literally led to a dead end, but it was also what made me soften up to Devon because my dumb ass thought he had my back. Yeah, Devon definitely had to catch hell for tricking me up.

  Just like Nico said, within a few seconds he was back. "Night, we good now, let's go," he said, closing the driver's door.

  "Damn, they must've had that shit already bagged up for you."

  "Pretty much. I hit `em up at the airport, letting him know I was on the way. Here, this yours," he said, handing me my weapon of choice-a nine millimeter with a silencer already attached.

  "Cool! I feel better already."

  About ten minutes later, Nico pulled up to a brick building on an eerily quiet street. "We're here."

  "Damn, ain't nobody out today," I commented.

  "Mostly elderly people live on this block. They're probably all inside." I followed Nico as we walked up the stairs, and he rang the doorbell. After several seconds passed, he rang the doorbell again and knocked on the door.

  "Is the dude expecting you?"

  "So I thought."

  "Have you spoken to him?"

  "Nope, he ain't got no phone."

  "Not even a cell? How old is this dude?"

  "I don't know, but he was told we were coming. Oh, that might be him right there," Nico said, looking over my shoulder. I turned around and noticed a man getting out of a dollar cab. He gave the driver some money and started walking in our direction.

  "What up? You must be Nico."

  "Yeah, and you must be Curtis."

  "Yep. I hope you ain't been waiting long. I got held up over at my) ob. I'm on parole, and I can't fuck around and miss work or they'll toss me back in jail. I'm sure you understand."

  "No doubt."

  "Cool. Well, let's go inside." The dude nodded his head at me as he brushed past me to open the door.

  When we got inside, he led us down some stairs. He lived in a basement apartment. The building brought back memories of the projects I grew up in while living in Brooklyn. No matter how huge the mansions or fly the whips I pushed and the diamonds I rocked, the Brooklyn projects ran through my blood.

  "So, I understand you got some information about Devon," I said, as soon as we got inside of dude's apartment and the door closed behind us. I wanted to get straight to the point, tired of constantly coming up empty.

  "Yeah... umm... I ain't got nothing but some water and beer. Would you all like some?"

  "No, we good," Nico let it be known, because he saw me slit my eyes, ready to cut up. "So, you got information for us?"

  "I do," Curtis replied casually while popping open his beer before sitting down on a dingy vomit-brown colored sofa.

  "Cool, so spill," Nico countered.

  "Well, Devon used to do some work for my cousin who was from New York, before he got a fancy job working for some big time nigga in Beverly Hills." I knew dude had to be talking about Supreme.

  "Has he still been in contact with him?" Nico further pried. I could tell that like me, he was ready for the nigga to get to the point.

  "That's the thing. For months he didn't hear a peep outta dude. He figured shit was going real good for Devon, and my cousin was happy for him. Not me though. I always thought that nigga was a snake. He seemed real sneaky. Then, he used to make smart ass comments that my cousin got all the smarts and I was the dummy of the family, shit like that. I could tell he thought he was better than me, so I figured he got around all those fake ass Hollywood people and forgot where fuck he came from-you know, his homies back in the `hood."

  "Right," Nico nodded as if in agreement.

  "But then, one day a few months ago, out of the blue, here comes Devon, calling my cousin saying he had got jammed up and needed some financial help. Because, you know, my cousin be making that major paper out in the streets. I used to make a little money myself before I got locked up. I used to be the..."

  "Listen, we ain't got time to reminisce with you. Tell us what the fuck you know so we can bounce!" I spit, agitated with the nigga already.

  "You have to excuse her. We had a long flight and she's a little restless."

  I was vexed that Nico was making excuses for me, but I also understood why. But I can spot a full of shit clown, and this nigga sitting on the couch was one, with his crusty mouth, unkempt clothes and the
long overdue haircut that was crying his name.

  "I feel you. So, like I was saying, I used to be the man. Making money, living good, with countless women checking for me. You get locked up, come home with no bread, shit changes real quick."

  I didn't know how much longer I could stand to listen to this broke man's sob story.

  "But I'm sure your cousin is looking out for you," Nico said, playing into this nigga's foolishness.

  "Look around this joint. Do it seem like he's looking out for me? Naw, he say that wit' me just gettin' out the joint and being on parole, I'm too hot to fuck wit'. He gives me a few bucks every once in a while, but he one of those niggas that's funny wit' his money. Always saying you got to earn your way in life. You know, like they can actually take it wit' `em once they die."

  "I feel you. Then the money I agreed to pay you should come in handy."

  "Most definitely."

  "Cool. I'm sure the dude that linked us up already told you that once you've fully cooperated and I make sure the information is legit, we good."

  "Oh, it's legit. I promise you that."

  "So, let's hear it."

  "But... umm... the thing is, I think I'ma need a little bit more money than we originally agreed to."

  "Here the fuck we go with this bullshit!" I huffed, knowing this clown was gon' be a problem.

  "How much more money you talking about?" Nico asked him.

  I wanted my hands on Devon more than anything, but I felt Nico was being way too soft with this clown. What if he was popping a bunch of lies? Maybe at one time his cousin knew where Devon was, but maybe he didn't know shit now, and dude was taking us for a ride.

  "You tell me. For you to come all this way, the information must be pretty important to you."

  "How about I double the money?"

  "That number is sounding better," Curtis nodded, but from the expression on his face that still wasn't enough.

  "How `bout I triple it," Nico added.

  "Fuck that!" I barked, jumping over the raggedy table in front of the couch Curtis was sitting on, while pulling out my heat at the same time. Before he had time to blink, my nine millimeter was pressed against his temple.

  "Precious, calm the fuck down!" Nico yelled out.

  "Nah, this nigga play too much! See, Nico is the patient one, I'm not. I will take you out this fuckin' world and not think nothin' of it." I really didn't want to blast this nigga just in case the information he had was on the up-and-up, but I couldn't let him know that. He had to believe that I would not think twice about laying his ass out unless he got to running his mouth.

  "Man, you need to calm your girl down! She trippin!"

  "I run this show! And if I say you gotta fuckin' go, then that's what it is!" I roared. The dude stared over at Nico with pleading eyes, but Nico just shrugged his shoulders and followed my program.

  "You trippin, ma! I ain't mean no harm. I was gonna give you the information."

  "Then stop running yo' mouth about bullshit and tell us what the fuck you know... now!"

  Curtis swallowed hard before speaking. His body was trembling, so I knew he was shook and really believed I didn't give fuck about blowing his brains out.

  "You gon' still give me the money though, right?" he finally said.

  "Yeah, the fuckin' money you originally agreed to, you greedy motherfucker!" I said jamming the gun harder to his head.

  "Devon is in Philly. He came back to do some work for my cousin. `Cause like I told you, my cousin believes you got to earn your money. He ain't giving you shit."

  "You got an address on him?" Nico asked.

  "Yeah, it's written down on a piece of paper in my pocket."

  "Stand up!" I ordered. "Which pocket?"

  "The back one on the left hand side." I reached inside his pocket and pulled out the paper and handed it to Nico.

  "Now can I get my money?"

  "How do we know we can find him here?" Nico asked, looking up.

  "I promise you it's good. But if I was you, I would catch him alone. My cousin surrounds himself with a lot of men that are paid to shoot first and ask questions later, Devon being one of them."

  "Who is your cousin?"

  "His name is Delondo, and right now he got most of Philly on lock. Just be careful, especially running around with this firecracker you got right here," he said, nudging his head in my direction.

  "Nico, give this nigga his money so we can get the fuck outta here."

  "Listen, if this shit turns out to be garbage, we will come back for you, and this time I'll let my girl have it her way," Nico stated before handing Curtis his dough.

  "It's good, believe me."

  "And don't go running your mouth letting anybody know what went down here," I added.

  "Are you crazy? My cousin would have my ass! But I don't like Devon... never have, so I don't give a fuck what happens to him. His punk ass always thought he was better than me, but he had to come back begging my cousin for a job. That's what the nigga gets. He deserves whatever he got coming his way!"

  I could have not agreed with that statement more. Devon was sitting almost right next to Maya on the loser totem pole.

  "Devon here we come," I smiled, finally feeling we were making some real headway in our quest to find and destroy Maya.

  Determined not to let Supreme call my bluff, I did exactly what I said I would-moved into one of the guest bedrooms. I really didn't have a choice. After our initial conversation in the car, I thought Supreme would make an effort to get closer to me, but he didn't change up shit. I was sleeping on one side of the bed, and him on the other. If I stayed, then he would believe I was just running off at the mouth and had no backbone to stick with what I threatened to do. So, a couple of days ago while he was out, I got my belongings together and moved to one of the bedrooms down the hall. When Supreme came home and realized what I did, even though he didn't say shit, I could tell he was surprised. I peeped him checking the closets to see if I had really taken everything, and motherfuckin' right, I did. I took it all, even down to the soap I liked to use.

  He could act hardcore if he wanted to, but he would eventually miss me, if only because he no longer had a warm body next to him in bed. Hell, I missed him already, but this had to be done. Yougotta fuckin' do ww,hatyougotta do to get mAatyou mmnt. I mean, isn't that what Precious would say? As much as I couldn't stand that bitch, I still found myself using her play book with every scam I tried to run, especially on a man-her man in particular.

  As I started thinking about what my next move should be, the ringing of my cell phone distracted me. I looked to see who it was, and immediately recognized the number. "Hey, I've been waiting to hear from you. Any news?"

  "Nothing on Precious, but I do have a lead on Devon."

  "Where is he?"

  "On the East Coast."

  "Steve, can you be a little bit more specific?"

  "I last tracked him in the Bronx, but I don't believe that's where he's residing. I think he was only visiting. By the time I found out where he was in the Bronx, he had already left, so I lost track of him."

  "Yeah, he got family in the Bronx. He was probably visiting them. But fuck, he can be anywhere now!"

  "I'm working on some leads. I've been asking some questions to the neighborhood people, but you know I don't want to scare them off because they think I'm the police or something."

  "Whatever to that! With the money I'm paying you, I just want you to get an exact location on him, and let me know the minute you do."

  CCI will."

  "And what's the hold up on Precious?"

  "She must be staying on the move, because I can't get a lead on her for nothing."

  Yeah, she's probably too busy looking for any ass to stay still, I thought to myself. "Night, just keep me posted," I said before ending the call.

  I was putting the money I took from my brother after I killed him and burned the house down to good use. Once I was certain Precious was alive, I paid a pretty penny t
o have Steve track both Devon and Precious. I wanted to find them before they found me. The only downside was that Steve wasn't an assassin that I would have to handle personally. Although someone who could execute both was ideal, I didn't want to take a chance and get swindled by an undercover cop and end up in jail behind a murder plot. At this point in the game, I had to be very careful with every move I made, or all eyes would be on me.

  Knock... knock... knock

  "Come in."

  "Hey, I have to run out for a couple of hours. Aaliyah is sleep, but can you watch her in case she wakes up?"

  "No problem." Now this motherfucker wants me to be his personal babysitter ii)ith no benefits! This some straight bullshit!

  "I appreciate that."

  "I know you do. So go `head, take your time, do what you need to do. I'll be here when Aaliyah wakes up," I smiled, trying to sound sincere. This was all about who could outwait who without snapping. But those who are patient usually win it all, and that's what I was counting on when it came to Supreme. He figured that since I wasn't getting no dick and moved to the guest bedroom, I would turn on him and not want to watch his prized daughter anymore. But no, I planned on doing the exact opposite. I mean, being a nurturing mother figure to Aaliyah after I had Precious chained up in a basement, was how I suckered Supreme in the first place. Shit, I was willing to take it back to the basics and start over again.

  "Thanks, Maya," Supreme said, sounding surprised by my gracious behavior. Clearly my act worked. He left my bedroom, and I went over to the window and watched him make a call before he got into his car.

  "I wonder who Supreme is calling. It's probably nothing," I thought out loud, but the curiosity was heavy on my mind.

  I left my bedroom and decided to take advantage of being alone with only a sleeping baby to worry about. I went downstairs to Supreme's office, and of course it was locked. But unbeknownst to him, one afternoon while he was taking a long nap, I took the key and had a duplicate made. I even let Aaliyah tag along on my adventure to make sure she didn't disturb her daddy and wake him up before I finished doing what I needed to get done.

  This would only be my second opportunity to use it, as I was hardly ever in the house alone. Supreme rarely went anywhere, and if he did, it was never long enough where I would feel comfortable doing some serious snooping.